During an exclusive interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday, President Biden stated that if an investigation confirms the seven claims of sexual harassment against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo that he should step down.
“I know you said you want the investigation to continue,” Stephanopoulos told Biden, referring to the New York’s attorney general probe into the allegations. “If the investigation confirms the claims of the women, should he resign?”
“Yes,” the president replied. “I think he’ll probably end up being prosecuted, too.”
So far seven women have come forward to accuse the Democratic governor of being inappropriate AF, including touching, asking highly inappropriate questions and reportedly even asking one woman for a kiss. A number of top New York Democrats including state Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, have called on Cuomo to step down.
Even though she has called for Cuomo’s resignation, Stewart-Cousins said she would continue to work with him in the meantime.
“The governor is well-known for being who he is, and making sure that you know exactly what he feels,” she said, ABC 7 NY reports. “So this Andrew Cuomo is certainly somebody who I have met. But as I said, I don’t get bullied.”
Cuomo has denied the allegations and continues to stay in the governor’s mansion.
“There should be an investigation to determine whether what she says is true,” Biden told Stephanopoulos, ABC reports. “That’s what’s going on now.”
He added: “There could be a criminal prosecution that is attached to it. I just don’t know.”
“Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand, the majority of the congressional delegation don’t think he can be an effective governor right now,” Stephanopoulos asked. “Can he serve effectively?”
“Well, that’s a judgment for them to make,” the president said.
Biden added: “A woman should be presumed telling the truth and should not be scapegoated and become victimized by her coming forward.”
“Takes a lot of courage to come forward,” the president said. “So, the presumption is they should be taken seriously. And it should be investigated. And that’s what’s underway now.”