The last week has shown that the quarantine has officially broken white people. If it’s not taking to the streets in an effort to protest a microscopic virus, it’s going on the radio and saying some truly wild shit about the effort to combat it.
NBC News reports that Heather Scott, a Republican state representative in Idaho, went on The Jess Fields Show and challenged Gov. Brad Little’s efforts to combat the virus. She singled in on the decision to classify workers as essential and non-essential. “I mean that’s no different than Nazi Germany. Where you had government telling people, ‘you are an essential worker or a nonessential worker,” Scott said.
She didn’t stop there, though. She continued on with comments such as “the nonessential worker got put on a train,” and went on to say that Idaho residents have taken to calling the governor “Little Hitler.”
Big yikes.
She doubled down on her comments in a post on Facebook. After a journalist from the Washington state-based Spokesman-Review reached out to her to clarify her comments, she wrote “Spokesman Review hit piece on me is coming soon.” She added, “My recent analogies are poignant and relative to our times.” In what is the most unsurprising part of this story, Scott has previously defended white nationalists after the events of Charlottesville in 2017.
Those located in Idaho and its surrounding areas didn’t take kindly to Scott’s comparison.
From NBC News:
“It makes my heart heavy to hear a comment from an elected official that shows such deep disregard and lack of respect for what the Jewish people experienced during the time of the Holocaust,” Brenda Hammond, president of the Bonner County Human Rights Task Force, said in an email to the Spokesman.
Rabbi Tamar Malino, a resident in Spokane, told the Spokesman, “Mass murder and genocide is not the same thing as deciding which businesses should essentially stay open and which should stay closed.”