Michael B. Jordan is a free agent, people!
Well, “technically,” anyway.
In WSJ Magazine, Jordan told writer Jason Gay that he is “dating, but technically single.”
As for why his relationship status is what it is, well, apparently it has a lot to do with his location.
“L.A. isn’t the best place to date,” the New Jersey-born actor told WSJ. “No offense to L.A.”
There is also the fact that his parents are now his roommates after moving to Los Angeles to share his home.
As WSJ reports:
He misses the energy of back home, the ability to walk out the door and let the day find you. Here in L.A. everything’s an appointment. And traffic. His parents moved out here and share his home (“My parents are my roommates,” he says), and he’s moving forward with plans for a restaurant downtown (“to have a spot to go to”), but his life here is very much about the work.
And Jordan is definitely a busy man these days. His latest film set to hit the screen is the much anticipated Black Panther (aka the greatest movie of all time), where, for the first time in his career, Jordan is going real bad, playing the supervillain Erik Killmonger, Black Panther’s nemesis.
It was a role he took seriously.
Jordan told WSJ that he studied performances including Heath Ledger’s Joker in the Dark Knight as well as multiple Michael Fassbender roles.
“I felt competitive,” Jordan said. “I wanted to build a performance that people will remember. Something different. Grow my hair out? Cool. I’ll grow my hair for a year. Put on 20 pounds? I’ll put on 20 pounds.”
That’s, of course, 20 pounds of muscle ... because I mean, really, all you have to do is watch a Black Panther trailer, or look at the photos from the WSJ article, to see that Jordan has worked hard to transform himself into the ripped martial arts expert.