I Didn't Equate Obamacare With Slavery

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Ben S. Carson, in a piece at the Washington Times, slams critics who have accused him of comparing Obamacare to slavery. "I stated that Obamacare was the worst thing in our country since slavery," he writes.

Many can remember as youngsters doing something wrong, for which they knew punishment was deserved. In order to avoid the punishment, they would try to create a diversion of some type in order to distract the attention of parents or teachers who, hopefully, would not notice or would forget about the original infraction.

The PC world of the secular progressives still uses this tactic quite effectively when they try to refocus attention on an individual or organization that opposes their agenda. This was certainly the case last week, when at the Values Voter Summit in Washington D.C., I stated that Obamacare was the worst thing in our country since slavery.

The PC police immediately went to work with their mission of distraction by trying to tell everyone that I was equating Obamacare with slavery, which of course I was not, but it makes for a good headline …

For those who did not hear the speech or understand its meaning, let me recapitulate. When looking at the self-inflicted wounds of our nation, physical slavery is widely regarded as the worst, with deleterious lingering effects that still are manifested 150 years after it was abolished …

The implementation of Obamacare places the health — and, ultimately, the lives — of the people in the hands of the government. Over the course of time, such a relationship places the government at the top of the power pyramid, thus putting “the people” in a very dependent position …

Those secular progressives who want to fundamentally change the nature of America hate those who expose their modus operandi, but those of us who embrace traditional values and love the freedom and opportunity that has characterized our nation in the past will not sit idly by and go along to get along.

Read Ben S. Carson's entire piece at the Washington Times.

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