Happy Monday to you folks!
Then again, some of you probably just looked at that sentence and proceeded to suck your teeth and roll your eyes at me as if I were your annoying alarm clock.
How many of you are sick of your jobs and can’t wait until a better one becomes available? Judging from a new a survey from The Adecco Group, plenty of you fit that description.
According to Adecco's latest workplace survey, 54 percent of workers are planning to start looking for work elsewhere the second the economy gets better. Among those most frustrated with their current positions are young people. Adecco reports 71 percent of 18-to-29 year olds plan to look for a new job in the recovery.
It’s not hard to figure out why so many loathe their present line of work.
In a recent survey by CareerBuilder.com, 47% of workers reported they have taken on more responsibility due to a layoff within their organization. Thirty-seven percent said they are handling the work of two people while 30% feel burned out completely.
For others the alternative to more work with the same amount of pay is less work for paltrier pay.
The New York Times reported that under the program commonly known as work-sharing, employers reduce their workers’ weekly hours and pay, often by 20 or 40 percent, and then states make up some of the lost wages, usually half, from their unemployment funds.
While most employees would agree that it’s better to work half the time than none of the time, it must be increasingly frustrated to deal with working in either condition.
To that end, I ask all of you: Are you overwhelmed with work and underwhelmed with your wages? How many of you are sitting in your offices or cubicles right now thinking that you’re simply biding your time until you can tell your current place of work good riddance?
Please leave your comments below or email me at therecessiondiaries@gmail.com.
Michael Arceneaux hails from Houston, lives in Harlem and praises Beyoncé’s name wherever he goes. Follow him on Twitter.