#HurtBae’s Ex-Boyfriend: ‘I Made That Bitch Famous’

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We’ve all seen model Kourtney Jorge’s tears play out on social media after she confronted her ex-boyfriend Leonard Long II about his cheating ways. Jorge simply wanted to know why Leonard cheated on her, and in the process, she became dubbed #Hurtbae. Now Leonard wants to have the last word.

In the original video, most people questioned why Long wasn’t the least bit emotional and didn’t seem to care that the woman he called his “best friend” was sitting in a pool of tears.

“I was definitely emotional. Just because it wasn’t written all over my face doesn’t mean I didn’t feel some type of way. That’s the way that I process the moment,” Long says in a new video.


Although Long does admit to hurting Jorge, he blames it on being young:

The fact that I hurt her ... I can’t change that. But I can make sure that it doesn’t happen again. I’m 23 years old. I’m a young man trying to navigate the world. I’m going to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes and live my life better, hold myself to a higher standard. I know I’m the most hated guy in America, but I swear I’ve changed. I would never want to put someone through that again.


But unfortunately, he doesn’t seem to have changed that much. At the end of the video, Long decides it would be a good idea to quote Kanye West, saying, “I made that bitch famous.”

Fuckboy of the year.