Howard University's Corey Arvinger fully admits that the GPA slip that led to his being placed on academic probation and losing financial aid was his fault. "My time management was horrible," he explained to USA Today. "I was very involved on campus, so I put my organizations before my schoolwork."
But that didn't take away the student leader's sense of entitlement to an education, or stifle his motivation to figure out how to afford it. He's in the midst of a FundRazr campaign to raise enough money to pay the $14,000 he owes and re-enroll at the historically black college.
If he's successful in his efforts to harness the power of his social network — and he's confident that he will be — we think the creativity and determination behind the effort call for some extra credit. From the Huffington Post:
Sure, $4 can't buy you a college degree, but it could help return a creative Howard University student to the classroom.
Corey Arvinger, a 21-year-old Greensboro, N.C. native, told USA Today that he never expected to drop-out of school. The school of business major was forced to when he suddenly discovered that he owed the university $14,000 that he didn't have. Arvinger said a miscommunication between the college and his family obscured a ruling that determined he was no longer eligible for the level of student aid he received.
Undergraduate and Law students who receive federal student aid must complete a minimum of 12 credits with a GPA of 2.01 or above with no drops, late drops and no failing grades, according to the Federal Student Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Standard.
Arvinger admits that he fell behind after involving himself too intensely in student life.
" … my time management was horrible," he explained to USA Today. "I was very involved on campus, so I put my organizations before my school work."
Now, his organization 4 For 14,000 could be what saves him. He started a Fundrazr account and a social media campaign around the hashtag #4for14000 to crowdsource donations so he can return to Howard. shows he's making process with 2.6K already raised.
Read more at the Huffington Post and USA Today.
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