How to Stay Cool Without An Air Conditioner

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So, here’s a major shocker: It’s hot. It’s really, really hot. That means tonight you will turn on that air conditioner to keep cool, which if you have one or not is a budget-crashing, rite of spring.

Here are four ways you can keep costs down as the temperature increases so that you can stay within your budget and meet your savings goals:

Get a fan: A no-brainer, right? Yes. And still worth mentioning. If you’re an enterprising fan user, you can put it in the window to get a flow of cooler air — if you’re anything like yours truly, sleeping when you’re too warm is a deal-breaker. You can get most solid brands for about $20-$60, which is a fraction of what you’ll pay should you consider giving in to the temptation of getting an AC.

Close your shades and blinds during the day: When the sun is blazing and you’re not home, all the warmth from the sun can make your home feel like a sauna — no matter what time you get back. Do this even if you have an AC; this way it won’t have to work as hard to cool the room down. Trust me, it makes a difference.


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