Get your credit cards ready. Amazon Prime Day is right around the corner. On July 12 and 13, the site will be loaded with deals on things like electronics, apparel, appliances and more. Taking advantage of all of the discounted goodness can feel like a job itself, but we’ve got you covered. Whether this is your first Prime Day or you consider yourself a Prime Day pro, we’ve got some of the most important things you need to know to make sure you are getting the best deals.
How to Shop Amazon Prime Day Like a Boss
Amazon Prime Day is here! We've got tips to help you make the most of these epic days of deals.
Make Sure Your Prime Membership is Active
Prime Day is a bargain-hunter’s dream. But it’s important to know that those great deals are for members only. So make sure you have an active Prime membership before you start shopping. Besides the Prime Day perks, your Prime membership has other great benefits, including free delivery on your orders, unlimited streaming of movies and TV shows through Prime Video and exclusive savings at Whole Foods.
An Amazon Prime membership will run you $14.99 per month plus tax after a 30-day free trial period. But discounted membership options are available. A Prime student membership is $7.49 per month, and qualifying government assistance recipients can become Prime members for $6.99 per month.
Ask Alexa
If you’ve ever thought an assistant could come in handy when you’re shopping Prime Day deals, Alexa is your girl. You can use her to add products to your cart or wish list, get notifications when deals on your saved products go live and even purchase products for you when the deals drop. The only thing she can’t do is bring you coffee while you wait.
Take Advantage of Early Deals
Although Prime Day doesn’t officially start until July 12, you don’t have to wait to start saving. There are early deals on products like tablets, Fire sticks and smart TVs live on the site right now.
Have a Game Plan
There aren’t too many things you can’t find on Amazon, so when it comes to shopping Prime Day, it helps to have a shopping list. Don’t get caught up in the deal matrix. Go into Prime Day with a game plan to avoid overspending or buying things that will just end up in the back of your closet.
Always Be Checking (Prices)
It’s easy to get swept up in the Prime Day deal hype. But before you hit the checkout, it’s a good idea to make sure you’re getting the best deal on the items in your cart. I already know what you’re thinking, who has time for that? Apps like CamelCamelCamel, Keepa and Waatcher can help you track the price history of your items on Amazon and save you lots of time and money.
There’s an App for That
If you don’t have the Amazon app, now is the time to download it. Prime Deals will come and go. And you don’t want to miss out on something great because you aren’t sitting in front of your computer. The app will help you keep track of when deals go live and most importantly, help you track when all of your new goods will arrive at your door.
Do a Little Good
When Prime Day is done, you might feel a little guilty about buying a bunch of stuff for yourself. But believe it or not, your retail therapy could help your local school, church or community organization. With an Amazon Smile account, the company will donate 0.5 percent of eligible Amazon purchases to your favorite charities at no additional cost to you.