How the Boy Scouts Are Still Discriminatory

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Many have compared the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender struggle for equality to the African-American fight for civil rights, and after the Boy Scouts' recent decision to admit gay Scouts but ban gay leaders, John Aravosis cites similarities on the America Blog.

Whatever. I'm glad the Boy Scouts took a step towards non-discrimination, but telling a young boy that he's no longer a pervert because he hasn't hit the ripe pedophile age of 18, is still a huge problem, in my humble opinion.

It's like accepting black children in your swimming pool, but claiming that letting the adults in is just a step too far.

Not to mention, what message does that send to children, gay and straight?  That, yes, be nice to your fellow soon-t0-be-pedophile gay scouts because they haven't become a threat to children yet, but they will in a few years.  Gee, thanks.

Read John Aravosis' entire piece at the America Blog.

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