How Social Media TMI Can Lead To Major Losses

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We all love social media. It has become as much a part of daily life as bathing or brushing our teeth.

I’m a big Twitter fanatic and find it to be the best platform to  connect with readers, share content and promote positivity for  professionals getting through their work day. It’s quick, short and  concise, three perks that make it an easy-to-incorporate tool of  communication in my often busy schedule.

I read the tweets, I follow the tweets—for some I smile, others I grimace.

The top tweets that are guaranteed side-eye worthy are those that do the most—those updates that reach the pinnacle of TMI. Some of us are using social media in ways that are a bit too transparent and could, quite frankly, lead to more losses than wins.


One highly publicized case of when social media transparency goes wrong is that of artist 2Chainz, who reportedly posted a Vine video smoking a blunt in a room littered with what looks like a cough syrup bottle and cups— all a day before being released from jail after an arrest for narcotics possession. Anyone familiar with 2Chainz’s brand knows that those elements are part of some of his lyrics, however, what future business opportunities —or physical freedom—might he lose after all is said and done?


image credit: sportyafros

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