How Does It Work Being a Stay-at-Home Dad?

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In a growing number of families, Mom is the breadwinner and Dad stays at home to take care of the kids. But how does that setup work for the family finances, for the marital relationship and for the mom who might be feeling left out of her children's lives?

In episode 6 of The Root Live: Bring It to the Table series on Wednesday, Oct. 15, we talk with Christopher Persley, who gave up his job in education to care for his baby daughter. He describes the lengthy discussions that preceded the decision, the financial planning and the emotional impact on his wife.

The other guest is Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, a personal-finance expert and co-founder of

Hosted by The Root contributor Harriette Cole, The Root Live: Bring It to the Table video series continues every Wednesday through Dec. 24 with topics that include the following:

* how to recover financially from a divorce;
* LGBT partners and benefits: knowing your rights;
* finding a job after serving your country;
* living a biblically sound financial life;
* managing your children’s financial expectations.


To watch an earlier episode of The Root Live: Bring It to the Table, click here.