We all know Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is a few cards short of a full deck. As a woman of color, her denial of racism has been nothing short of nauseating. Just last month, she played dumb about the Civil War, omitting slavery as the primary cause.
Now, Haley continues to insist that America “has never been a racist country”—and Whoopi Goldberg had words for her in response. Before Vice President Kamala Harris joined “The View” earlier today, the outspoken co-host addressed Haley’s ridiculous and downright false claim.
“Black folks didn’t climb up in the trees and lynch themselves,” Goldberg stated. “Emmett Till did not do that to himself.”
The show’s hosts asked Harris about Haley’s denial of the country’s disturbing and heinous history.
“There’s no denying that we have, in our history as a nation, racism, and that racism has played a role in the history of our nation. I think we all would agree that while it is part of our past and we see vestiges of it today, we should also be committed collectively to not letting it define the future of our country,” Harris explained.
The vice president didn’t stop there, speaking out against Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis’ blatant erasure of Black history in Florida schools while calling out Haley for doing the same thing.
“To suggest that enslaved people benefitted from slavery, we will not grow as a country…It is not in our best interests to evolve on the issue of race in America to suggest that the Civil War was prompted by anything other than slavery in America,” Harris said.
She also made sure to point out the urgency of the 2024 presidential election: “I am scared as heck,” she exclaimed. “We should all be scared, but as we know — and certainly this is a table of very powerful women — we don’t run away from something when we’re scared. We fight back against it.”