Hot Girl Shit in HD: Megan Thee Stallion Makes Her Television Debut on Jimmy Kimmel Live

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Megan Thee Stallion - Realer & Big Ole Freak Medley / Jimmy Kimmel Live (YouTube)

Megan Thee Stallion is leveling up!

The 24-year-old rapper made her television debut on Jimmy Kimmel Live Monday night.


After an energetic intro of her latest single, “Realer,” Hot Girl Meg yelled, “Free JT!” before smoothly transitioning to her breakout hit, “Big Ole Freak.” In case you’re wondering what that exclamation is referring to, JT (born Jatavia Johnson, and one-half of the popular rap duo City Girls) is currently serving a federal jail sentence for fraudulent credit card charges, according to Billboard, and many people in the music industry (as well as fans) have been calling for her freedom. JT is set to be released on March 21, 2020.


On Kimmel, Meg gyrated with the enthusiasm the crowd wanted and needed, clearly excited to be on live television. Speaking of which, she did substitute some of the dirty words from her song with cleaner versions. Other instances were bleeped. I’m sure the FCC was focused, but how can you be when she’s onstage dancing like that?! Props.


More Hot Girl Meg on late night television, please. Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, Jimmy Fallon, and James Corden? You’re up next.