Honest Toddler: From Twitter to Bookshelves

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(The Root) — It's not rare that popular Twitter and Tumblr accounts soon graduate to bookstore shelves and, in some cases, the small screen. But how does it happen? Is it as easy as waking up to an offer in your email inbox one day? Yes — and no.

With more than 200,000 followers, the HonestToddler account is definitely on a lot of people's lists of Twitter faves. Bunmi Laditan, the woman behind the handle, recently published The Honest Toddler: A Child's Guide to Parenting, a book based on the Twitter account. Drawing from Laditan's own experiences with her 2-year-old daughter, HonestToddler perfectly captures the stress, drama and hilarity that comes with parenthood. In an interview with Forbes, Laditan talks about the differences between writing tweets and writing a book, and how interacting with readers differs across social media platforms.

As far as how the book deal came about, Laditan actually was contacted via email by a publisher who followed her work on Twitter, but that doesn't mean the process was or is easy. It all starts with great content and the superhuman ability to craft literary gems in 140-character bursts. What makes HonestToddler a success is great writing, and Laditan delivers that in any platform.


Read more at Forbes.

Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.