An Arkansas woman showing obvious signs of being racist as fuck economic anxiety insisted that she decorated her front yard with a mannequin hanging from a tree next to a Confederate flag as a tribute to her favorite movie that she couldn’t quite remember, insisting that it had absolutely nothing to do with race.
KLRT reports that residents in the Little Rock, Ark., subdivision of Greenwood Acres (which already sounds like someplace you wouldn’t want to be caught after sundown) were shocked to discover a Facebook video of a man hanging in effigy on the front lawn of one of their neighbors.
OK, maybe “shocked” was too strong of a word. After all, this is in Arkansas, home of the Elaine Massacre, one of the worst mass lynchings in American history. Maybe they were flabbergasted—or impressed; not at the blatant display of white supremacy but at the fact that the neck knot was tied so well that it withstood the Arkansas weather for seven months. It takes a very skilled noose-knotter to execute such a sturdy execution knot. Someone must have had a lot of practice.
Also, why have people become so enamored with nooses lately? Every week there’s a story of someone attempting to use a noose to intimidate black people. Honestly, I’ve never been panic-stricken by a knot of any kind, mostly because the technical name for a noose is a “slipknot,” which is also a shitty heavy metal band from Iowa whose lead singer (and I swear this is true) injured his left testicle trying to hit a high note (See, this is two stories in one).
I will not be intimidated by knots, right-wing nuts or nutless singers. There’s nothing scary about Iowa except Rep. Steve King (who the streets say can tie a sturdy noose.)
“It’s just a Halloween decoration of a ‘creeper,’” a resident of the home told KARD. “What’s that old movie? Jeepers Creepers?”
The woman was perplexed as to why no one knocked on her door—the house with the Southern symbol for racism and a historical reenactment of a lynching—and said she simply forgot to take the decoration down after Halloween and that it had nothing to do with race. But the woman’s neighbors weren’t buying it.
“She knows what it means,” commented one of the woman’s black neighbors. “And so does everyone else.”
The woman eventually removed the tribute to racial terrorism, which shocked everyone.
She left the Confederate flag hanging, though.
Jeepers creepers, that’s scary