The July 1 video of a police officer sitting atop a black woman and raining down punches on her went viral. The story would soon emerge that the woman, Marlene Pinnock, a 51-year-old great-grandmother, was homeless and headed to an underpass to sleep when a California Highway Patrol officer stopped her, threw her to the ground and began punching her in the face.
CNN reports that Pinnock has settled her civil case against the CHP for a reported $1.5 million. In addition to the settlement, the officer who beat Pinnock, Daniel Andrew, will resign.
According to CNN, the majority of Pinnock's settlement will be used to set up a special-needs trust for Pinnock to ensure long-term care.
A few days after the incident, police claimed that Andrew was merely trying to keep Pinnock away from danger, since she was reportedly walking near traffic. Police officials claimed that Pinnock became "physically combative" when approached. Pinnock was not only beaten but also arrested and placed in a hospital under an involuntary psychiatric hold.
"When this incident occurred, I promised that I would look into it and vowed a swift resolution," California Highway Patrol Commissioner Joe Farrow said in a statement viewed by CNN. "Today we have worked constructively to reach a settlement agreement that is satisfactory to all parties involved."
Read more at CNN.