Holly Robinson Peete, a former contestant on Celebrity Apprentice, claims that the most divisive, racist, xenophobic and misogynistic president in most recent history called her the N-word over a decade ago.
During an interview on SiriusXM Urban View’s The Karen Hunter Show, the 21 Jump Street star talked about her “unique” experience competing against such huge stars as disgraced politician Rod Blagojevich and, umm, famed New York Mets star Darryl Strawberry.
“He hadn’t really quite started that whole birther thing yet,” Peete, who starred on season 9 of Trump’s show in 2010, noted, adding that had Trump claimed that former President Obama wasn’t born in America, she would’ve never appeared on the show, Yahoo Entertainment reports.
“It was a very interesting experience,” Peete added. “It was a trip and kind of messy and stuff. I found him to be kind of piggish and bullish and stuff, but I didn’t find him to be just this...who he is now. I did not see that. So, I think the combination of power and corruption and all that stuff just made him go to that next level.”
The Hangin’ With Mr. Cooper actress claimed that Trump was “kind of lovely” — to her face.
“Shortly after the finale, rumors started going around that he had tossed out an N-word in referring to me. And I was like, ‘Huh?’ And then when the producer told me when it happened during the finale. I remember the moment,” Peete said.
“I wasn’t in earshot, but I could see them deciding between me and Bret Michaels,” she continued. “There was a moment where [Trump] was talking with producers and they’re really animated and that was when I heard that he said, ‘They want the N-word to win.’ Because I guess the network wanted me to win or me to be chosen, and Trump wanted Bret. And the quote was, ‘They want the N-word to win.’”
Wait, I’m getting a call from 50 Cent:
Yahoo Entertainment notes that there have always been “rumors that tapes exist of Trump saying the N-word during his 14-season run as host of The Apprentice. But there’s no proof any actually exist.”
Trump has always claimed that he’s the least racist person that anyone knows, but Trump is also a liar.
“You know, how could anybody believe that he wouldn’t say something like that? I firmly believe he probably uses that language all the time,” she shared.
Peete added that she didn’t see any sense in rehashing the ordeal as she didn’t know what good it would do.
“By the time [the rumors] sort of started resurfacing, I didn’t even really address it too much because I felt like, what difference is it going to make?” Peete said. “People have accepted the things that he said that are so vile about so many other people, what difference is it going to make if he said that about me.”