High Schooler Tweets His Way Into UCLA

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(The Root) — A high school senior is celebrating in Massachusetts this week after lobbying for acceptance to his dream school — online.

When 18-year-old Bernie Zak was wait-listed after applying to UCLA, he didn't want to wait; he wanted to "do something." He took to Twitter with the intent of tweeting 50 reasons why UCLA should accept him with the hashtag #AcceptBernieUCLA. His reasons were creative, clever and, apparently, effective — by the time he got to reason 32, he was notified that he had been admitted to UCLA.

Zak's project is a clear illustration of the way that social media is changing the way we do things. Who knows — it may be a mere matter of time before we conduct full job interviews and cast votes for our nation's leaders with hashags.


Check out some of Zak's Twitter campaign below.


Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.