An assistant coach at a North Carolina High School has resigned after a video of him celebrating a victory by calling his players the n-word was posted to Facebook’s less racist sister site, Instagram. But don’t despair, the coach insists he is not racist because he claims he has permission to use the word. And, according to Coach Klansman, he “didn’t mean it in a negative way.”
ABC 11 reports that 32-year-old John Hoskins was at a local bar celebrating his Knightdale High School team’s gridiron victory over Corinth Holders High when he just couldn’t hold in his racism happiness any longer. The jubilant assistant screamed out “White power, Knightdale!” before adding: “I still love you niggers!” Someone caught the celebratory act of hate on Instagram Live but later deleted it.
That “someone” was John Hoskins.
Apparently ashamed of either his stupidity, his racism or the fact that he was probably drinking Bud Ice, Hoskins later deleted the video, but not before keen-eyed social media followers shared the video with district administrators.
“Just to set the record, I’m not racist,” Hoskins said. “I don’t mean it in a negative way.”
Seemingly unwilling to accept Hoskins’ love for niggers, Knightdale High School Principal Keith Richardson said he was “greatly dismayed and disappointed to see this type of behavior and mindset from someone in a position of trust,” noting that the Knightdale’s gridiron Nazi was not a full-time staff member at the school.
“When a staff member breaks that trust, it is deeply upsetting,” Richardson added, in a statement. “Furthermore, using the language of white supremacy stirs up feelings of fear, intimidation, and threats of racial violence.”
But John the Racist claims his black friends have no problem with him using the n-word, explaining: “I guess I’ve been around them for so long. We’re friends. I mean nothing from it...They treat me as any of their own friends.”
Hoskins also suggests that he has a yearly renewable pass to say the n-word that was given to him by the boys on the football team because he’s a pretty good coach. Plus, according to the whiskey-sipping white supremacist, he only uses the white supremacist term because the juvenile athletes on the majority-nigger football team just love to hear a white man demean them by calling them the most racist slur imaginable.
Seriously, that’s his defense.
“They walk up to me and say: ‘Hey coach, just say it,” Hoskins told ABC 11, lying through his racist hillbilly teeth. “‘You’re a good coach. Just say it’...Once a year, it slips. To have them smile and laugh. Besides that, I mean nothing from it.”
“The language, the context is not OK,” said School Superintendent Cathy Moore. “And this man is an adult. And he should know better.”
Because he didn’t want to be a “distraction to the team,” John resigned from his assistant football coach position with a note that told the team he loved them. For some inexplicable reason, Hoskins’ note did not contain a racial epithet.
He still holds his part-time job as vice president of the Knightdale Chapter of Racist Motherfuckers.
When The Root reached out to John Hoskins’ invisible black friends who gave him permission to use the n-word, their only hope was that Hoskins burned in the overcrowded, segregated section of Wypipo hell.
They did not mean that in a negative way.