Whew, the devil is busy.
This weekend, you might’ve heard about a Sapulpa, Okla., basketball announcer who was kind enough to call members of the Norman High School girls basketball team “fucking niggers” because they committed the unpardonable sin of kneeling during the national anthem.
I know, I know...they don’t like when we get all self-righteous about being oppressed and murdered and shit, but don’t you think that was a bit harsh? “Fucking niggers”? Damn, bruh. Who raised you? Hulk Hogan?
Not to worry, though. Matt Rowan—the offending party—doesn’t have a Papa John’s bone in his body. Because he’s not racist, he just...needed insulin?
“I will state that I suffer Type 1 Diabetes and during the game my sugar was spiking,” the 44-year-old wrote in a statement. “While not excusing my remarks it is not unusual when my sugar spikes that I become disoriented and often say things that are not appropriate as well as hurtful. I do not believe that I would have made such horrible statements absent my sugar spiking.”
I honestly think he deserves the benefit of the doubt because I act the exact same way when I run out of crab legs. Wait, no I don’t. Fuck this guy.
Anyway, the best way for the Norman Tigers to clap back at this dude would be to just ball out and not allow his ignorance to distract them from crushing their opponents on the court—which, according to ESPN, is exactly what’s happened.
On Saturday, the Tigers (19-0) put a bow on their perfect season by stomping out Bixby 48-37. In doing so, they won Oklahoma’s 6A state championship, because when they go low, we win state titles. And because the WNBA is always on time with a good word, their player’s association released a statement congratulating the team on their accomplishment.
“To our young sisters, the future stars of our sport and rising leaders of this country: We cannot let another day go by without you hearing from us,” the statement read. “You demonstrated great courage and conviction in your decision to take a knee for justice. You clearly love this country and desire that it loves you back. We are with you. You have our support.”
The Tigers also have the support of Norman Public School District superintendent Nick Migliorino, who sounds like he wants to treat Rowan to a complimentary fade.
“We condemn and will not tolerate the disgusting words and attitudes of these announcers,” Migliorino said on Friday. “We will do everything in our power to support and uplift our team and everyone affected by this incident.”
Congrats to Norman for winning their second consecutive state title.