'Hiccup Girl' Charged With First-Degree Murder

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Jennifer Mee, 19, a teenager who attracted national media attention after she couldn't stop hiccuping for five weeks, has been charged with first-degree murder for allegedly luring a man to a house where he was robbed and fatally shot. According to St. Petersburg, Fla., police, the victim, Shannon Griffin, 22, befriended Mee while online at an unidentified social-networking site sometime in the last week. Mee allegedly then conspired with two accomplices, Lamont Newton and Laron Raiford, and lured Griffin to a vacant house in order to rob him. Griffin was robbed of his wallet, a small amount of cash, his cell phone and the keys to the motor scooter that he rode to the house. He was shot three times in the chest and once in the shoulder. Griffin died at the scene. Mee is facing life in prison if convicted. Family and friends blame the people that she attracted after gaining fame on The Today Show. Trotting out teens with unusual conditions may have some unintended consequences. Shooting a young man in the chest three times sounds intentional to us. Who knew that the "hiccup girl" had a dark side? Unfortunately, Shannon Griffin found out and paid with his life.

Read more at MSNBC.