(The Root) — Hi, ya'll!
I'm Akoto, and I'm your new Grapevine editor. The illustrious @BrokeyMcPoverty has moved on from her post here as your uproarious Twitter rabble-rouser and faithful steward of all things black on social media, which means that I've been left with quite a tradition to maintain. And if you can't tell, I'm geeked about it.
Not much has changed. We'll still obsessively track all the things you talk about and share on your networks — clever Twitter conversations, celebrity shenanigans, social justice and activism and more. I'll also do some reporting. That's right, I'm making calls, sending DMs and taking names!
Now, despite what you might be thinking, this is not some sort of random, narcissistic scheme to get my photo on The Root's home page. (Although, shouts to the Slate photo team for gifting me with a professional headshot that I can actually use. Editing out champagne flutes from my Facebook profile pics was becoming tedious.) My intention here is to remind you that this blog is yours, too, and to do this right, I'll need your help.
Got ideas for #hashtag conversations we should start? Having heated arguments about "black culture" — whatever that means — with Reddit trolls? Engaged in super-useful Twitter discussions about race, racism, gender, culture and all of the sloppy intersections they collectively forge? Have you discovered the next black Instagram or Vine star? Did you stumble upon a real racist, sexist gem, like this dude? Did Prince do something amazing on Twitter again?
Don't be shy. Hit me up and tell me all about it. Tweet me at @Ko_616, or email me at akoto.o@theroot.com.
OK. I'm off to start my "real" inaugural post. (Can you believe Twitter's board of directors is all white and all male?! Of course you can.)
If you want to see what's hot on black Twitter, check out The Chatterati.Akoto Ofori-Atta is the editor of The Grapevine. Like her Facebook page and follow her on Twitter.