Caitlin Clark is a game-changing talent who’s brought an unprecedented amount of attention to women’s basketball. However, her success has also led to a lot of new voices commenting on women’s sports. One of those is Jeff Kwatinetz, co-founder of the BIG3 alongside Ice Cube.
Ahead of the 2024 WNBA Draft, reports circulated about the BIG3 offering Clark $5 million to play for the league. Turns out that offer was actually much larger than everyone thought. In an open letter published on Outkick and shared on Ice Cube’s website, the possible contract for Clark included, “Ten million dollars of salary over two years, a percentage of team ownership worth millions, fifty percent of merchandising revenues from her name and likeness and ownership of a BIG3 documentary with a seven-figure advance. In total, we’re talking fifteen million dollars or more to merely play a ten-game season. While still allowing her to play in the WNBA.”
Kwatinetz calls out the “NBA Mob” for preventing the Iowa alum from seriously considering the offer. He accused prominent agents and executives of blocking access to the new Indiana Fever star.
“We have reason to believe these male agents and executives controlling the sport never even shared our trailblazing offer with Caitlin let alone facilitated Caitlin meeting with the BIG3 to discuss the opportunity,” the letter states.
First of all, Clark now plays for the WNBA, not the NBA. Yes, the leagues have a working relationship, but the WNBA is a separate entity that runs its own business. In fact, a common complaint among WNBA fans is that the NBA doesn’t do enough to support the league.
Secondly, saying that “male agents and executives” controlled Clark’s decision-making implies that she isn’t capable of making her own choices for her future. She has made it clear it’s her lifelong dream to play in the WNBA and that’s always where she wanted her career to go. Isn’t it possible that she chose to follow her dreams and make her own decisions without the influence of the “NBA Mob?” Just because you don’t like her choice doesn’t mean you get to strip her of her agency.
“From our perspective, these representatives don’t seem to work for an individual client like Caitlin,” the letter adds. “They seem to work for the NBA mob, as their client list is a who’s who of NBA players.”
Kwantiinetz’s letter spends a lot of energy on the NBA trying to hold the BIG3 down. Whether or not this is true, it has nothing to do with the WNBA, women’s sports or Caitlin Clark. This statement feels like sour grapes because Clark chose to compete against the best women’s players in the world and not in a league that wouldn’t help advance the women’s game.
And just a reminder for everyone, including Kwatinetz, Ice Cube and all the other so-called new “experts” on women’s basketball, the women of the WNBA are perfectly capable and willing to make their own decisions without consulting the NBA first.