Herman Cain's Top 10 Greatest Hits

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Lauren is a former Deputy Editor of The Root.

Dancing Around the Accusations

Herman Cain recently went on the offensive — telling CNN's Wolf Blitzer that an acquaintance (who turned out to be Atlanta businesswoman Ginger White) would soon be alleging that they had a 13-year affair. It's a change of pace from recent weeks, during which Cain has been skewered by his critics for the confusing and inconsistent denials he's made about the sexual harassment accusations that have plagued him. He's now "reassessing" his campaign.

Using Anita's Name in Vain

As a black man vying for a prime spot in one of our three branches of government and plagued by sexual harassment allegations, Cain has naturally drawn comparisons to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. That does not, however, mean that it was appropriate or wise for the candidate to make a crack about getting an endorsement from Thomas' accuser, Anita Hill.


Racial Politics

Although Cain has made many questionable comments on race — most memorably his assertion that the Democratic Party is like a slave plantation and its black followers are slaves — the most insulting might have been when he claimed that all blacks have been "brainwashed" against the GOP. Because there's no other reason someone might not choose to vote Republican.


Uninformed and Proud!

When asked in October about how prepared he is for "gotcha" questions from journalists, the fearless businessman famously said, "I'm ready for the 'gotcha' questions, and they're already starting to come. And when they ask me who is the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan, I'm going to say, you know, I don't know." Sounds like a plan.


Got a Light?

The campaign that was already unorthodox became downright weird after this ad — featuring Herman Cain's campaign manager, Mark Block, smoking a cigarette for no apparent reason — hit the Web. Also check out the creepy, slow smile from Cain at the end.


The Blame Game

Ther former Godfather's Pizza CEO said that it's Occupy Wall Street protesters' own fault if they aren't rich and don't have jobs. Many of the jobless and poor were offended, but he got cheers for his stance from the audience at a GOP debate.


Who You Callin' a Princess?

Although saying anything negative about House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is sure to score any GOP candidate points with the base, calling her "Princess Nancy," which Cain did at a Nov. 9 debate, definitely takes away from that argument. The candidate, whose choice of words was especially troubling in light of the sexual harassment allegations against him, later said that it was "a statement I probably shouldn't have made."


Foreign Policy: Not My Responsibility

After an ill-advised, early-November visit to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel editorial board, during which he took several minutes to give a long, sprawling and uninformed answer about the conflict in Libya, Cain defended himself by saying, "I'm not supposed to know anything about foreign policy." After all, since when has that ever been a requirement for the presidency?


Second Thoughts

Cain or someone at his campaign might have been trying to prove that the candidate does indeed have some international relations chops after that highly publicized gaffe in Milwaukee. Why else would they have released this foreign policy map, which breaks down America's interests abroad in an elementary and unintentionally amusing fashion? In case you were confused about our friendship with the United Kingdom, Cain assures us it's "our special relationship."


Pro-Choice or Pro-Life: What's the Difference?

Like most of his fellow Republican presidential candidates, Herman Cain is staunchly anti-abortion — unless he's off message, as he was in an interview with John Stossel this summer. He contradicted himself, saying that in the case of rape, it's the woman's "choice, that is not government's choice." He later added that abortion should not be allowed in the case of rape. Which is it, Herman?
