Herman Cain Apologizes to Muslim Leaders

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News One is reporting that Republican Herman Cain is apologizing to Muslim leaders for vitriolic remarks he made about Islam while campaigning for the presidential nomination. On Wednesday, Cain met with four Muslim leaders in Sterling, Va. He said in a statement later that he was "truly sorry" for comments that may have "betrayed" his commitment to the Constitution and the religious freedom it guarantees. He also acknowledged that Muslims, "like all Americans," have the right to freely practice their faith and that most Muslim Americans are peaceful and patriotic.

Wow, that's a far cry from wanting to ban Islamic mosques because of their so-called desire to spread Shariah law. We wonder who or what brought him to his senses? Perhaps he recalled when blacks weren't allowed to worship in this country unless it was the religion of the oppressor? We're glad he came to his senses. Respect for the practice of one's faith is central to the Constitution that was written without the needs of his ancestors in mind.

Read more at News One.

In other news: What You Didn't Know About Black Greeks.
