If you’ve been watching the new Real Housewives of New York City, then you know that fan rankings of the cast have been all over the place. However, Ubah Hassan has slowly been rising to the top of the rankings, especially for the way that she stopped Erin Lichy’s white tears in their tracks in Anguilla.
While in Anguilla Hassan showed the ladies that she is not the one to mess with! Erin Lichy thought it would be a bright idea to play pranks on Hassan, with one being hiding Hassan’s phone, even after knowing that she is not only obsessed with her phone but that she prefers to always have it close by for safety reasons.
Naturally, Hassan freaked out when she noticed her phone was missing. Although Lichy gave it back after 45 minutes, Hassan took it upon herself to confront Lichy the next day, snatching the sunglasses off of Lichy’s face during the fight. Lichy broke down crying and saying that that exchange was the worst fight she’d ever had in her life. Cue the audience’s eye-rolling. Pettily, Hassan kept Lichy’s sunglasses for 45 minutes to give her a lesson.
That entire day Hassan explained to the group how Lichy is always being inconsiderate of people’s feelings, bringing up situations that caused other cast mates, Jessel Taank and Brynn Whitfield to look at Lichy in a different light as well. Hassan also got ahead of the “angry Black woman” allegations by saying that Black women get called that simply because they are “passionate, don’t take any shit, and aren’t fake.”
In solidarity, one of the fan favorites (well, not so much anymore) Jenna Lyons jumped to Team Lichy feeding into the “make Ubah the angry Black woman” trope, bringing up a situation where she also felt intimidated by Hassan. One time Hassan got upset with Lyons for inviting her to her home without letting her know that the camera crew would be there. Hassan had not gotten her hair and makeup done prior to the shoot. Who wouldn’t be upset about being caught off guard like that?
In a win for Hassan, she had all of the other ladies except Sai De Silva’s support (where’s the POC solidarity sis?). Unfortunately for Lichy and Lyons, they are not on the old all-white cast of New York City where white tears get you out of being held accountable.