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Best, Worst Moments From Viral 'Find Love or Pop the Balloon' TikTok Series

Best, Worst Moments From Viral 'Find Love or Pop the Balloon' TikTok Series

On a quest to find love, a simple red balloon and a pin holds all the power in this popular social media dating series.

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Screenshot: YouTube/Arlette Amuli

If you’ve spent any time on the dating and relationship side of TikTok, then you may have come across the popular Pop the Balloon or Find Love series.


The goal? To find a match. The premise? Upon initial introduction, the man or woman stands before a row of the opposite gender who are all holding red balloons. If based off initial attraction, vibe, energy or whatever the kids call it these days, its a no—then pop goes the balloon. If there are some people left holding the balloon, then more questions and information is divulged until there’s ultimately one person standing.

While the premise gives me MTV Next vibes, I can’t lie and say that it’s not entertaining. And based off the viral clips that find their way on Instagram and Twitter/X—it’s safe to say that others are eating this up as well. So it’s in that vein that we thought we’d share a handful of the clips that’ve made the rounds and sparked a laugh and a conversation or two starting with...

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The Plumber vs The Uninteresteds

The Plumber vs The Uninteresteds


Tsk, tsk, tsk. Where do I begin? This plumber met his match at the end but the journey to getting there was full of pettiness and Ninja Turtle Energy.

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Black Barbie vs. The Broke Man

Black Barbie vs. The Broke Man


They say never count yourself out but that’s exactly what this man did when he met this “Black Barbie” whom he felt he couldn’t afford. Admirable or short-sighted? I can’t decided quite yet!

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The Anime Lover Meets His Match

The Anime Lover Meets His Match


Chandler’s quest for love recently made waves on Twitter due to his love of anime and pretty introverted personality. However, this was one of the more successful ones as he ended up finding his match at the end! I hope they last!

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Chicago Boy vs. Miss Bougie

Chicago Boy vs. Miss Bougie


They say you should never judge a book by its cover but that’s exactly what happened when Ms. Bougie from Chiacgo met another Chicago man who “talked just like her little brother.” The way he respectfully checked her was commendable though.

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The Beautiful Personal Trainer vs Insecure Men

The Beautiful Personal Trainer vs Insecure Men


This is probably one that will baffle me for awhile because this young lady appeared to have alot of good things going for her. Too bad her taking care of herself and being on top of her game was seen as a threat.

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The Arrogant Doctor Who Won’t Back Down

The Arrogant Doctor Who Won’t Back Down


The doctor who seemingly would be the whole package keeps getting a no because he comes across as a know-it-all and arrogant. And his responses don’t do too well to dissuade them.

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Mr. Broken Watch

Mr. Broken Watch


In addition to a lackluster outfit, this young lady was mostly turned off by this man’s broken watch. And even though he tried to persuade her by trying to tell her what brand it was, the disgust and disinterest had already set in.

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Mr. and Mrs. Forehead Butt Heads

Mr. and Mrs. Forehead Butt Heads


When Connor told Jasmine her forehead was too big, she returned the compliment and even dragged him for his too tight pants and uneven hairline. Whew, the ruthlessness is never-ending!

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Mrs. Put-That-On vs Mr. Shein Lover

Mrs. Put-That-On vs Mr. Shein Lover


A battle of the fashion senses sparked when the young lady said she wasn’t attracted to the style of this fellow. But when he responded by saying he was “a fan of Shein”—the young lady (and the others) were left without words!

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Mr. FlatHead vs. Mrs. Willy Wonka

Mr. FlatHead vs. Mrs. Willy Wonka


Though the initial rejection started off smooth, it quickly led to insults when the gentlemen said her hat gave off “Willy Wonka” vibes which led to the young lady talking smack about the back of his head. Yikes!

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Mr. Gym Bro Can’t Find a Match

Mr. Gym Bro Can’t Find a Match


Antwan seemingly has it all together: fit, financially stable and is looking for a gym girly he can lift with. But that doesn’t seem to appeal to a lot of women.

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Mrs. Open Communication Can’t Communicate

Mrs. Open Communication Can’t Communicate


In this round, Tyra’s deal breaker is a man who has open communication. But when one guy claims she didn’t communicate with him for a date they were supposed to go out on the week prior, the other men decide against giving her a chance.
