Look, the current president of white supremacy has grand royally fucked up this whole coronavirus thing, so when President-elect Joe Biden takes office, he wants all Americans—including those maskholes who would rather die than wear a paper mask over their racist faces—to wear masks for 100 days so that America can try and get this train back on track.
During an interview Thursday with CNN, Biden noted that he would issue a “standing order” to require face coverings (beards don’t count) whenever entering a federal building and interstate transportation.
Oh, and if you missed Dr. Anthony Fauci, don’t worry, he will be back as Biden has asked him to continue to be the government’s top infectious disease expert. Only this time, the president will actually listen to him.
From Bloomberg:
Fauci is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a role he’s held since the Reagan administration. But Biden suggested that Fauci would have an even bigger voice in his administration, advising the president directly.
“I asked him to stay on the exact same role he’s had for the past several presidents, and I asked him to be a chief medical adviser for me as well, and be part of the Covid team,” Biden said. He pointed out that his incoming chief of staff, Ron Klain, had worked closely with Fauci during the Ebola crisis beginning in 2014.
Biden said he would order mask use “where the federal government has authority.” And he said he would call for all Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days of his presidency.
“Not forever, for 100 days,” he said. “And I think we’ll see a significant reduction” in infections.
And that, my friends, is how you president.