He Did It: Mom Admits Son Killed South African White Supremacist

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A South African farmer and white supremacist leader was killed after an alleged refusal to pay two workers. The mother of one of the suspects says her son has admitted to the slaying

"My son admitted that they did the killing," the mother said in an exclusive interview conducted in the Tswana language from her two-room cement home in Tshing township on the outskirts of Ventersdorp town.

She said she spoke to the teenager at Ventersdorp police station on Saturday after he turned himself in along with his alleged accomplice, a 28-year-old farm worker.

Police have refused to identify either of the suspects by name. Under South African law, a minor accused of any charge can not be identified without permission from a judge.

[Eugene] Terreblanche, 69, was leader of the far-right Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging movement, which said it planned to march Monday on the police station to demand the police bring out the two suspects.

Police say the two have been charged with murder and will appear in court Tuesday.

Officials appear anxious to show they are swiftly handling the crime, which comes just 10 weeks before South Africa becomes the first African nation to host the World Cup soccer tournament.

SOURCE: The Associated Press
