These days it’s very likely that you can turn on the TV and catch some sexually-charged ad at a moment's notice. If you visit entertainment and gossip blogs regularly chances are you’ve seen more shots of vagina than a gynecologist. And one quick search over to YouTube and you’ll find a plethora of wannabe porn stars exploiting themselves in an attempt to seek notoriety and/or validation.
If you want to see someone naked and engaging in sexual activity you can…and for free. Maybe that’s why sex isn’t selling the way it used to. has explored the effects of the economy on the adult entertainment industry in a recent article. According to Alec Helmy, president of XBIZ, it’s pretty obvious. “The adult entertainment industry is facing its first downturn ever in its history,” Helmy said. The porn pusher added that attendance figures at several trade shows have declined steadily in the past several years.
Months ago, I wrote about strip clubs across the country holding job fairs and women who never imagined themselves embracing their inner Ronnie and Tricks to keep the lights on. But, while there’s certainly always a market for naked women (and men — we’re fair around here) people don’t have as much disposable income as they used to. What are the chances that strippers in some areas now find patrons making it hail with rolls of quarters versus raining with wads of cash?
No judgments to those of you who like dabble in adult entertainment, but I have a question for you: Has the recession forced you to get your fix for free and put your money towards something more substantial…like food?
I’d love to hear from you.
Leave your comments below and send your recession stories to
Michael Arceneaux hails from Houston, lives in Harlem and praises Beyoncé’s name wherever he goes. Follow him on Twitter.