Has King's Dream Come to Fruition?

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The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation conducted a survey last week about race relations.  They phoned 798 whites and 332 blacks and asked if King's "I Have a Dream" vision has been fulfilled.  Meaning:  do we, as multi-varied Americans, believe race is no longer an issue in Obama's America on the eve of the Grand Inauguration?  And get this, the majority of Whites don't believe the racial Kumbaya hype, and most Blacks do.  Wow, one would think it would be the reverse.  I've been crystal-clear on this issue:  I think race relations in this country stink.  I think Black people have helped foster a culture where Blacks dismantling other Blacks is not only commerically-appealing, but it keeps the police employed, the penitientary's full, and the wig stores out of stock.  I think there's also a steady rise in White exclusiveness, particularly in film and theater.   Case in point, a friend and I were hanging out near New York University the other day and saw a billboad for this new romantic-comedy called He's Just Not That Into You which features a Who's Who in beautiful White America, well… how does that foster honest discourse about a more-inclusive America, at least in film.  It doesn't.  It's what film distributors look for when seeking money-making entertainment that maintains cultural status quo.  Of course, this is not a new trend, but simply a sad one.  But what's even sadder is the minds of those recently-polled Black folks who believe race relations have improved.  How is it that the majority of Whites can see the big picture, but Blacks can't?   Are some Black still under the "I Know It's Cloudy But I See The Sun Shining Through" trance?  Am I missing something?  School me.

Keith Josef Adkins is an award-winning playwright, screenwriter and social commentator.