When Adesuwa Aighewi opened the Chanel couture show in early July with her locs flowing over her Lagerfeld-designed suit, heads turned. But Aighewi created another head-turning moment, making her production and directorial debut in a short film for Love magazine, celebrating the incomparable beauty of Muslim culture through a group of Harlem women raised in the faith.
Titled “Spring in Harlem,” five brown-skinned, African-American beauties don traditional, heavily embellished Muslim garb in an array of gorgeous hues—paired with very fashion-forward accessories—making a stunning statement as they proudly strut through the streets of Harlem, N.Y.
“It kind of like, brings you back,” one remarks, via voiceover. “Every day you’re just wearing jeans and t-shirts; when you finally wear your cultural outfits, it really brings you back.”
“[It’s] so sexy when you’re not showing nothing,” another says.
When asked how it feels to embrace the faith they were raised in as adults, one responds, “As I get older and I really start praying more and reading more about Islam, I just feel like this is meant for me ... it’s not just like I was born into Islam. No, I’m really Muslim.”
The ladies certainly made an impact on passerby: “They make me want to cry. I watched them just strutting; I was like, ‘Oh my God, I gotta pull over. Wow.” one woman exclaims.
The women happily remark that the experience reminded them of dressing to celebrate Eid. But seeing the undeniable effect of their beauty and elegance is so, it’s hard not to hope they begin rocking their garb on the regular.