Straight from our "Kicked While Down" file, jobless benefits for 2 million Americans will expire as the holidays arrive. The benefits, which have been at the center of a tug-of-war between Democrats and Republicans, are up for extension again. Most Democrats fought hard to get them extended, while Republicans and some conservative Democrats want to end them because, as John McCain has the audacity to say, they encourage unemployed people not to work. That's easy to say when you own more homes than you can count. But I digress. The GOP also believes that fiscal responsibility is key and adding to the debt is irresponsible, even if it will help fellow Americans attempt to stay afloat.
Unless Congress changes its mind, jobless benefits, which people actually pay into when employed, will lapse, leaving millions of Americans without much-needed income and benefits. For all of the Republicans crying about how much it's costing the government, the average unemployment benefit is $302.90, which in our minds would motivate folks to be looking for a job, if there were any to be had. If Congress pulls the benefits, then perhaps voters will help them to better understand unemployment — by voting them out of office. Just a thought.
Read more at Yahoo News.