(The Root) — Hosted by Gabrielle Union, the BET Honors aired Monday night. At its annual celebration of African-American achievement, the network honored Halle Berry, "Godfather of Black Music" Clarence Avant, spiritual educator T.D. Jakes, Olympic gold medalist Lisa Leslie and legendary musician Chaka Khan for their contributions to black culture and American culture as a whole.
Alicia Keys, the SOS Band, Wayne Brady, Brandy, Mint Condition, Jimmy Jam, Ledisi, Terry Lewis and Erykah Badu took to the stage for performances in celebration of the honorees.
When the event was taped at Washington, D.C.'s Warner Theatre in January, The Root was there. In anticipation of the show's airing in the midst of Black History Month, we asked stars walking the red carpet what they thought Martin Luther King Jr. would think of today's African-American culture and entertainment — both what might make the late civil rights leader proud and what would disappoint and embarrass him (hey, someone had to ask).