A wise crustacean once said that it’s better down where it’s wetter and I’m pretty sure he made this statement because he foresaw the melanin that was going to hit the Seven Seas!
Thus, Disney has chosen to make blackness a part of their world by casting Halle Bailey of R&B singing duo Chloe x Halle to play Ariel in Disney’s live-action version of The Little Mermaid.
Director Robert Marshall told Variety that “after an extensive search, it was abundantly clear that Bailey possesses that rare combination of spirit, heart, youth, innocence, and substance, plus a glorious singing voice, all intrinsic qualities necessary to play this iconic role.”
It is still unclear who will play Ursula in this live-action remake, but we’ve compiled a list of possible candidates for Disney that includes: Queen Latifah and Titus Andromedon. We also feel Lizzo would make a great choice. Disney, keep the blackness going!
As a person who has watched The Little Mermaid well over a thousand times, I am elated that Ariel is black. I am curious as to her wash-n-go regimen and what problems algae poses for her hair care, but I’m sure she’ll just pull out her dinglehopper and win my heart.