Writing at Essence about the altercation between Halle Berry's ex Gabriel Aubry and her fiance, Olivier Martinez, The Root's contributing editor Demetria L. Lucas says that the only time a family should have this type of drama is when there's a script involved.
… The idea of two grown celebrity men actually beating each other so badly on Thanksgiving Day that it requires medical intervention just seemed too tabloid-y to be true …
I wish that were the case. Yesterday, TMZ released photos of Aubry's battered face, and it looked like he took the same beating fictional boxer Tommy Hearns gave to "Martin Payne."
In the aftermath of this latest drama, Berry's relationship history is being dragged up again. When ABC.com covered this story, they went all the way back to Berry's marriage to David Justice in 1992. I sort of get it. There's a valid argument to be made when individuals repeatedly find themselves in dramatic situations and play a significant role in their conflicts. Given Berry's relationship history, she may not make the best choices when it comes to men. But her selections have nothing to do with why two, very grown men thought it was an acceptable idea to beat the crap out of each other one pleasant Thanksgiving Day afternoon. That's on the guys, not Berry.
I have no clue what this debacle was over, and I won't make any guesses. I do know the only time a family should be having drama like this is when there's a script involved.
Read Demetria L. Lucas' entire piece at Essence.
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