Haitian women's groups are sending out a desperate call for sanitary supplies for women and girls. From RH Reality Check
In a letter of appeal sent to colleagues in the international women's movement, Sergia Galvan and Mayra Tavarez of Colectiva Mujeres Y Salud/CAFRA in the Dominican Republic write:
As with most other natural disasters, the strongest and the fittest tend to dominate disaster supply chain and distribution. Women and young girls are the last to have access to the supplies chain and distribution points. So they do not receive the supplies that they most urgently need in addition to food and water. So it is in Haiti.
"Rape of young girls and women is also a growing problem as is common in the aftermath of most disasters" they write. Because of this, there is also an "urgent need for the morning after pill.
Haitian women, young girls and youth are in need of:
- Feminine supplies.
- Combs.
- Feminine wipes.
- Panties, bras and clothes and other support (especially for pregnant women and new mothers).
- Personal/household supplies for birth delivery and after: (rubbing alcohol or disposable anti-germicidal substitutes; baby wipes, baby wraps, pampers, socks and caps and supplies for nursing. mothers/newborn; (It is cold at nights so there is need to cover the feet and heads of the newborns).
- Clothing and under garments for women and young girls.
- Bedding & blankets for babies and mothers.
Their plea: Send supplies or money to help purchase any of the above items. In general, say Galvan and Tavarez, "any supplies (such as toothpaste, tooth brushes etc) that can be used for daily living for men, women, boys and girls are welcome."
We need your support for these resources and any financial contribution towards shipment that you are able to make.
Donations can be sent directly to:
Sergia Galvan and Mayra Tavarez
Colectiva Mujeres Y Salud/CAFRA
Calle Socomo Sanchez
No 74, Gazcu, Santo Domingo DRThis is a specific drive for Emergency Supplies for Haitian women and girls* that is being sponsored by the Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action (CAFRA) and Colectiva Mujers Y Salud (Women’s Health Collective), Dominican Republic, and the CAFRA Youth League in Haiti. This assistance is being transferred primarily through the Myriam Merlet International Solidarity Camp* directly to women and women´s organizations.