On Sunday night, a man used a rifle to open fire on two Los Angeles police officers who were sitting in a patrol car, Al-Jazeera reports.
The police officers immediately returned fire, “but no one was injured” during the incident, the report explained.
The Los Angeles shooting was reminiscent of the shooting Dec. 20 in New York City, during which two police officers were fatally shot while sitting in their patrol vehicle. Los Angeles police explained that police departments across the nation are “proceeding with caution” as a result of that incident.
While the L.A. shooting is similar to the New York incident, Los Angeles Police Department authorities say it’s “too early to tell” if the shooting had anything to do with recent protests against police brutality.
According to LAPD spokeswoman Nuria Venas, one man was arrested in connection with the L.A. shooting, while another suspect was being pursued Sunday night. The search for the suspect in the area of the shooting was called off on Monday.
Read more at Al-Jazeera.