Gun Used to Kill Trayvon Martin Sells for $250,000

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The gun used to kill Trayvon Martin has been sold for $250,000, according to the shooter, George Zimmerman, who notes that he reneged on an initial deal when a higher offer was received.

Speaking for the first time since listing the weapon for sale, Zimmerman continued his attack against the Black Lives Matter movement, presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton and the parents of Trayvon Martin.

“I was tired of Hillary Clinton’s anti-gun rhetoric,” Zimmerman said via a Skype interview with 13 Action News. “She had recently made comments about, not comments, she had recently lied about the situation.


“She has been stumping around for a false campaign for the Trayvon Martin Foundation. She lied, saying that I killed him when he was walking home in his daddy’s neighborhood. Which, if anyone watched more than seven minutes of the trial, they would know that is false,” Zimmerman said.


The 32-year-old added that he would use a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the 9 mm Kel-Tec PF-9 used to kill the unarmed teen to fight against Black Lives Matter activists, whose movement was started shortly after Trayvon’s tragic death.


“I am going to donate to officers such as the deputy in Texas that was shot in the head at point-blank range for no other reason than he was in uniform,” Zimmerman said. “No one can replace his life. No one can replace the service he was doing to his community. My goal is to attempt to make his family as whole as possible again.”

When asked how he felt about critics who consider the sale of the weapon a “victory lap,” Zimmerman stated he doesn’t care about “keyboard commandos.”


“I don’t care about them one bit. They didn’t bid on it. They don’t affect my life one bit. They are irrelevant,” Zimmerman said.

And don’t think you’ve seen the end of the fake police officer-turned-public pariah, since Zimmerman noted that he will continue to sell more items, including autographed artwork.


“I would sell everything and anything I own to ensure, to attempt to ensure that they can no longer hurt men and women of law enforcement,” Zimmerman said. “Anything I can think of to ensure that Hillary Clinton does not become the leader of the greatest nation on earth.”

Zimmerman also launched another attack at Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin’s parenting and added that had he known that that day in 2012 would lead to his killing an unarmed teen, he would have stayed in bed.


“Of course, I would have done anything to not have to take a life in self-defense,” Zimmerman said. “I would have done anything for Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin to have actually taken an interest in their child. … They had no interest in their child. I wish they would have. I wish they would have raised them right. I wish I never had to. I would have stayed in bed if I would have thought I would had to take a life in self-defense. I don’t think anybody in their right mind would ever want to be in this position.”

Read more at 13 Action News.