For months, the president and his personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, have not only openly ignored public health and safety guidelines regarding the coronavirus, but they have both downplayed anything related to the highly contagious virus. Since early February, Rudy Giuliani has refused to wear a mask and has literally been out in public raw dogging air. Trump tested positive for the coronavirus in October and now it’s old prison slipper’s turn on the COVID-19 merry-go-round as Rudy Giuliani has tested positive for dat rona.
And while the coronavirus is nothing to joke about, it’s kind of hard not to watch a person walk outside with no shoes and then sympathize with them when they get glass in their foot. The 76-year-old former mayor of New York City and grown man who held a press conference with hair dye running down his face is being treated at Georgetown University Hospital, CNN reports.
Trump tweeted the news of Giuliani’s diagnosis because he can’t hold water, and Giuliani appeared to confirm the news, tweeting later that he’s “getting great care and feeling good.”
Now everyone is trying to retrace Giuliani’s soft prison slipper steps to see who he’s been in contact with, but CNN notes that Giuliani, much like everyone in the Trump administration, doesn’t believe in wearing protection when face-fucking the air. Maybe Giuliani didn’t have time for a mask as he’s been busy crossing the country claiming election fraud in a hopeless attempt to steal the presidential election.
CNN notes that “Sunday night, it was announced that the Arizona state legislature — where Giuliani had appeared at the beginning of last week — would be closed for the upcoming week over Covid-19 concerns.”
Giuliani has been frequently spotted hugging and taking pictures with people while not wearing a mask.
From CNN:
Giuliani has also eschewed US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quarantine guidelines after his son Andrew, as well as close contact and campaign adviser Boris Epshteyn, tested positive in late November. The day Epshteyn announced he had tested positive, Giuliani traveled to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where he addressed a group of Republican state lawmakers in a crowded hotel ballroom.
Most recently, Giuliani was at the Georgia Capitol in Atlanta on Thursday to attend a state Senate hearing about the November election. During a break in the hearing, Giuliani removed the mask he was wearing to greet and take pictures with supporters.
He traveled to Michigan on Wednesday for a state House committee hearing that lasted four and a half hours, during which he was maskless as he pushed misleading claims that the election was stolen from Trump.
So a spineless lawyer who has been traveling the country trying to steal the presidential election while not wearing any face protection, not even one of those clear wielding face shields, has tested positive for the coronavirus and he’s even more susceptible to complications because of his age. But he knew that better than anyone else and he didn’t, so forgive me if I don’t give a shit.
Thots and prayers.
Bill Barr Ain’t Going to Do Shit
Attorney General and Evil John Goodman face, Bill Barr, is supposedly considering leaving the Department of Justice before he’s tossed out the door with the incoming administration.
According to the New York Times, Barr is reportedly considering stepping down after claiming that there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud, a claim that Trump’s been making since his historic and embarrassing defeat to President-elect Joe Biden, creating a rift between the boss and his hitman.
And now Barr is realizing that he’s only good to the president when he does what the president wants. So he’s sad and wants to quit. Seriously, fuck both of these big ass babies.
From the Times:
Mr. Barr’s departure would also deprive the president of a cabinet officer who has wielded the power of the Justice Department more deeply in service of a president’s political agenda than any attorney general in a half-century. Conversely, it would please some Trump allies, who have called for Mr. Barr to step down over his refusal to wade further into Mr. Trump’s efforts to overturn the election outcome.
Mr. Barr has not made a final decision, and the prospect of him staying on through Jan. 20 remains a possibility, the people familiar with his thinking cautioned. Should Mr. Barr step down before the end of the Trump administration, the deputy attorney general, Jeffrey A. Rosen, would be expected to lead the Justice Department until President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. is sworn in.
Bill Barr can leave. He can go back in time and quit retroactively. He can pack up his things and walk right out the front door of the DOJ and no one would give a shit. Bill Barr’s work has been done. He’s already fucked over America so he might as well leave on his own terms. Like the time I got word that a girl I was dating was going to call it quits and I ended it before she did and she couldn’t stop laughing because she didn’t give a shit.
We are all laughing at you, Bill Barr.