Gore on Climate Change and Racism

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Former Vice President Al Gore said on Friday during an interview with FearLess Revolution founder Alex Bogusky that the struggle to win over climate-change skeptics has something in common with the process that led to ending (or decreasing) racism in the United States.

He explained that in the past, when racist comments would come up in the course of conversations, "There came a time when people said, 'Hey, man, why do you talk that way? That's wrong, I don't go for that, so don't talk that way around me. I just don't believe that.' "

He advocates a similar approach to convincing skeptics that global warming is real. "That happened in millions of conversations, and slowly the conversation was won," he said. "And we still have racism, God knows, but it's so different now and so much better. And we have to win the conversation on climate."


If the climate conversation changes minds at the same rate as the one about race, we can look forward to hearing people start to claim that we're in a post-global-warming-denial society in about 50 years.

Read more at Politico.

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