As soon as the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on Friday, the “trigger laws” 13 states instituted in anticipation of the ruling set off various forms of abortion bans. However, we can’t be naïve to think the Republican Party would stop there. A former head of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, was interviewed on MSNBC on Monday and stated the GOP would bypass filibuster rules to impose a nationwide abortion ban, Business Insider reports.
Some states like Florida, Louisiana, and Utah are currently facing court challenges to block their laws. At the same time, places such as Ohio have enacted their abortion ban, which takes place after six weeks of gestation. However, the ultimate aspirational endgame for the GOP is not just at the state level. With abortion no longer being a constitutionally protected right, the party aspires to regain national power, starting with the 2022 midterm elections. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) stated in May that he felt if the Republicans take back control of the House, Senate, and Presidency, they will no doubt pass legislation making abortion illegal across the country.
Steele echoed the same sentiments when host Katy Tur asked about Murphy’s assessment.
“Yes. Without hesitation. They will set the marker,” Steele replied.
“Because it’s in their base’s interest to do so,” he said. “That’s the difference politically between the two parties. Republicans will go, ‘oh, yeah, the Constitution and the filibuster, all the tradition, the sanctity of the Senate.’ They don’t give a rat’s patootie about that when it’s the bottom line in politics and power.”
“So absolutely, a national ban on abortion will be one of the first pieces of legislation probably next to impeaching Joe Biden,” he said, without providing evidence for his claim that the GOP would seek to impeach Biden.