At 8 Eastern time tonight, eight Republican presidential candidates will gather in Florida for their second debate in five days. This one is being sponsored by the Tea Party Express.
Of course, you wouldn't want to be caught tweeting about it without the proper background.
Thankfully, the Washington Post's Chris Cillliza has pulled together a primer. Here's what to watch for:
* Will Texas Gov. Rick Perry be any more prepared on issues like climate change and Social Security than he was last week?
* Will Romney finally ease up on Obama and go on the attack against the actual people he's supposed to be debating (Perry, in particular)?
* Can Bachmann pull it together? She was unimpressive last week, put perhaps the Tea Party home crowd will bring our her best.
* Is a surprise from Ron Paul in store? The word on the Republican street is that this could be his "moment in the sun."
We're sure these questions (and some none of us have even thought of yet) will be answered fully by the time the night is over. Tune in at 8 p.m. on CNN.
Read more at the Washington Post.
Want to join The Root in live-Tweeting the event? Our Washington reporter, Cynthia Gordy, will cover the proceedings on Twitter @TheRoot247 (hashtag #gopdebate).
In other news: Troy Davis' Execution Date Set.
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