Nia-Malika Henderson of the Washington Post is wondering if Gloria Cain, wife of GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain, will make a difference in what appears to be the unraveling of Herman Cain's momentum because of multiple allegations of sexual harassment. Henderson writes:
Scheduled to air Monday night at 10 p.m. Eastern time on Greta Van Susteren's "On the Record" (Fox News), the interview will add another voice, another layer, and another news cycle to a narrative that for two weeks has defined, yet not derailed, Cain's quixotic campaign for president.
According to an early transcript provided by Fox News, Gloria Cain told Van Susteren that the allegations offer an unfamiliar and, she believes, inaccurate picture of the man she has known for 45 years.
"You hear the graphic allegations, and we know that would have been something that's totally disrespectful of her as a woman. And I know the type of person he is. He totally respects women," Cain said. "I'm thinking he would have to have a split personality to do the things that were said."
What will she add to the picture?
Folks have been wondering where Mrs. Cain has been during this tumultuous time in her husband's campaign. Now they will find out and hear what she has to say about her husband's alleged shenanigans. Do we really expect someone's wife to say, "Yeah, my husband's a pig"? Probably not.
Instead of pondering what she will say, perhaps people should consider how she will let people know that her husband is a stand-up guy who "respects women." Some pundits are condemning the man for playing the wife card. It just may be the only card that the embattled GOP candidate has left.
Read more at the Washington Post.
In other news: Police Investigate Possible Shots Fired Near White House.