Whenever I have conversations with my single lady friends, at some point in the night the discussion will inevitably head down the path of inquiring what men truly want in relationships. And to be honest, it’s a fair question. There are so many blogs, magazines, TV shows, and books attempting to answer this question, yet they are failing so miserably that many women are left searching for an all-inclusive answer — that doesn’t exist. I’m definitely not going to act as if I have some magical solution to this query, but, as a man, I will let women know one thing I’m definitely sure of: No matter how great you are in bed, good sex alone won’t make a man elevate your status to wife, if he didn’t see you as that before you got it in.
Read More: http://uptownmagazine.com/2013/05/giving-a-man-good-sex-wont-make-you-wife-material/
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