If you’re like me then your blood pressure is probably going through the roof waiting for the results of this Tuesday night election. But never fear, the lovely people who populate Instagram have some optical distractions for your viewing pleasure.
The men of IG have chosen to use the ancient art of “thirst trapping” to grab your attention and get your ass out to the polls.
They’re giving you civic duty, but making it sexy.
After reviewing some of these images, I have to tip my hat off to these men who have employed their fingers to craft dissertations in their captions all while showing off their pectoral muscles. This honestly should be considered a resume worthy skill. Update your LinkedIn, fellows.
Other men have foregone the use of the voting sticker and have opted to just use what God has given them to encourage you to exercise your rights.
Yet even more men have even opted to use their whole ass dick prints to send you a message to take your ass to the polls. Don’t let this young man’s dick print be in vain on the damn internet.
Thirst traps have been used since the dawn of time (or at least the dawn of cell phone cameras), and I am highly confident it’s one of the things that lured Eve to the apple. Go to Genesis, I’m sure you’ll find it written. Whatever method is employed, the underlining message is clear: GET YOUR ASS OUT TO VOTE ... and then show a little skin ...