In a blog entry at Politics in Color, Wayne Dawkins weighs in on the latest brouhaha over racially incendiary comments made by GOP presidential hopefuls Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. The two are trying to appeal to the GOP conservative base, says Dawkins.
Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, the aspiring crybaby-in-chief, educated fool and reptilian, has once again called President Barack Obama “the food stamp’’ president.
Gingrich said this while campaigning in New Hampshire in front of Tuesday’s primary.
His words now sound more racially coded days after rival Rick Santorum’s crack to an audience in Iowa about not helping blacks with welfare aid, a retrograde play to people’s racist instincts.
Regarding the Gingrich statement, CBS News research reported that 59 percent of whites [72 percent of USA population] receive food stamps while 28 percent of blacks [13 percent of the USA population] receive such welfare state assistance.
So why are Gingrich and Santorum suddenly concerned with the welfare of Black Americans?
They aren’t. They are using the tired-old racist stereotypes to appeal to the GOP base.
Notice that African-Americans have been virtually monolithic in keeping their powder dry as GOP presidential hopefuls take racially coded or straight-up racist shots at them?
Political activist John Wesley Boyd Thursday said there have been a handful of “black tongue disease” moments by GOP candidates.
Despite the political pot shots, blacks are better at absorbing the hits because they are stronger. Fewer African-Americans are on welfare than previous generations [Santorum should check the facts].
Read Wayne Dawkins' entire blog entry at Politics in Color.