Gingrich Acceptance Shows That Tea Party Used Cain

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In a blog entry at BlackAmericaWeb, Tonyaa Weathersbee challenges former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain's assertion that black Democrats have been brainwashed. She argues that he is the one who has actually been brainwashed, noting the hypocrisy of the GOP's apparent acceptance of Newt Gingrich's marital infidelities and its rejection of his alleged affairs.

So, who's brainwashed now, Herman?

Right after winning the Florida GOP straw poll back in September, Herman Cain, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza and dark-skinned darling of the Tea Party, proclaimed that black people's allegiance to the Democratic Party was the result of years of brainwashing, that many were too "closed-minded" to consider voting Republican.

But black people's spurning of the Republican Party has nothing to do with us having closed minds — and everything to do with us having open eyes.

And open eyes are apparently something that Cain, who endorsed Newt Gingrich in Florida's GOP primary, needs to get a pair of.

It's amazing to me that Cain's own failed campaign for the GOP presidential nomination and Gingrich's rise didn't teach him enough about the racism and hypocrisy in his own party to want to just sit the rest of the primary out.

That's because back in the fall Cain was, at various points, the frontrunner. He was in fact, on a roll. Conservatives loved him, and for a minute even seemed willing to give him a pass on the sexual harassment allegations that four women lobbed against him.

Then Ginger White, his mistress of more than a decade, went public with her story — and his poll numbers tanked so badly that he was forced to drop out of the race.

But apparently, the same Republican voters who soured on Cain because of his philandering got sweet on Gingrich. He won the South Carolina GOP primary handily and with a huge amount of support from evangelical voters.

Read Tonyaa Weathersbee's entire blog entry at BlackAmericaWeb.