Georgia Town to Fine Those With Saggy Pants

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News One is reporting that a small town in Georgia has passed a law in which they will fine men who wear "saggy pants" $50 for their first offense. Hampton will fine men $100 for the second offense, and third-time offenders will be charged $200.

We wonder who will be targeted (tongue implanted firmly in cheek). Plenty of folks wear saggy jeans, but it bothers some so much that they would fine those people for a poor fashion decision? Aside from the fact that saggy pants have long been played out and we really don't understand why anyone outside of prison would wear the look, what is the need to fine folks? Is there nothing else going on in Hampton, Ga.?

Other than freedom of choice, we don't know why young black men continue to insist on wearing this look, any more than some of us insisted on wearing high-top fades, super baggy jeans, Coogi sweaters or Cross Colors way past the expiration date. If young people choose to do so, then they should be able to do it. Hopefully they will grow out of it, and if they don't, we'll talk about them behind their backs like everybody else and keep it moving. We don't fine them for being fashion backward.


Besides, until they start fining people for wearing flip-flops (often with no pedicures in sight) in business spaces and low-cut jeans, we can't get behind this one. We've seen enough plumber's crack and muffin tops to last a lifetime.

Read more at News One.

In other news: VIDEO: Performance Poet David Blair Dies.

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